POLITICAL IMAGINATION LABORATORY: Visualizing and Contextualizing Ethnographies of Social Movements

Perugia 14th -16th October 2016 University of Perugia

What visions animate contemporary activism? How to visualize or to contextualize the political imagination of contemporary social movements? How to uncover those utopian aspirations, strategic and/or ideological horizons that too often pass implicitly, silently or invisibly? Inspired by both visual and ethnographic fieldwork, the Political Imagination Laboratory aims to explore and interrogate the shifting political imagination of contemporary social movements and forms of activism.

At the “Lab”, anthropologists, filmmakers and activists will present papers or visual projects (completed documentaries or works in progress), which engage with ethnography and/or fieldwork related to different forms of social movement researches that address the imagination of contemporary activism around the world.

This two-days workshop will take place at Dipartimento di Filosofia, Scienze Sociali, Umane e della Formazione (FISSUF), University of Perugia, Italy, and will alternate paper presentations with film screenings, roundtable discussions and work-in-progress visual expositions.

The Political Imagination Laboratory is organised by the team of the Peasant Activism Project financed by the Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) and hosted by Queen’s University Belfast, in cooperation with the network Anthropology and Social Movements of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) and “Controsguardi – International Festival of Anthropological Cinema” and under the patronage of ADISU Umbria (Agency for the Right to Academic Education of Umbria).

Please find here the complete program and further information.